Thursday, December 6, 2012


Oh, whoops. Just realized I never clarified just who "Port" is. I am Port, the son of Geoff Nelson. So yeah, he hasn't gone nuts. Yet.


my school sucks!

UUUUUGH. Today @ school was a load of crap. On bus, a some idiot stole my phone and when i got it back it was cracked. Jeez louise, kid!Then, in history, I asked a seemingly dumb question and now the teacher hates my guts. And finally, in PE, my own team tripped, shoved, and TACKLED me, and some wad from the other team jumped on my back then got me out.
 Yeah, just like that weirdo. I hate PE.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So, this post is a story. Not half bad, if I say so myself.

He loved her. I mean, what wasn't to love? She was gorgeous and kind and her smile light up the whole room. Alas, he was too shy to even say anything. But one day,everything changed. A gigantic hole in the atmosphere opened, and the whole wide world got turned into a vast desert. He survived, as his fez blocked out part of the heat. She, as well, lived, by turtling into a sweater. They were some of the last remaining humans on Earth. One night, he had an odd dream. She was alive and well, and so was he. They were standing together, in a blimp, while the earth burned beneath them. He awoke with a start. He then realized she was still out there, still alive. So he set out to find her. In the ruin of Old Tampa, he found a functioning rifle and began his quest.

So, how about it? This is only chapter one. Leave a comment if you liked it!

So, yeah, this is now my blog. Cool. I'll probably post every now and then, like weekly. Happy reading!
